Alaska State Troopers
The Alaska State Troopers, under the Alaska Department of Public Safety, provide the only law enforcement in the Delta area. The Delta post includes four State Troopers and one Fish & Wildlife Protection Trooper.
Most routine cases are handled by the District Court in Delta Junction, where visiting judges from Fairbanks share the bench with the local magistrate. More serious crimes are referred to the Superior Court in Fairbanks.
Volunteer Fire Department
The City of Delta Junction and the surrounding areas are served by two volunteer fire departments. The City Fire Department (DJVFD) is located at 1325 Richardson Highway. Rural Deltana Volunteer Fire Department (RDVFD) has two locations, 1340 Clearwater Road (Clearwater Station) and 4348 Richardson Highway (Big D Station).
The local fire services share mutual aid agreements with Fort Greely and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry.
A radio-toned dispatch, contracted through the City of Fairbanks, alerts emergency service professionals and Alaska State Troopers to all 9-1-1 calls.
Post Office:

The Delta Junction Post Office is located on the east side of the Richardson Highway, about two blocks north of the junction of the Alaska and Richardson highways.
The Post Office lobby, access to mail boxes, is open 24/7. Window service is available Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 5:00pm, and Saturday, 10:30am to 12 noon.
Medical Care
Delta Medical Transport operates out of the City of Delta Junction Fire Station. Their medics, EMTs, and ambulance service provides 24/7 care for Delta Junction and its surrounding area. Phone = 911. Non-emergency phone = 895-4356
Family Medical Center is located at Mile 267.2 Richardson Highway. Phone = (907) 895-5100
Interior Alaska Medical Clinic is located at 2730 Alaska Highway. Phone = (907) 895-6233