The Delta Library offers a variety of activities and programs for children of all ages. Books, toys, puppets and visual displays all encourage our youngest patrons to visit their library often. Come enjoy our comfy kids carpet area and read up some fun!
Baby Laptime meets Tuesdays at 11:00 and is for babies up to 3 years old. Join Miss Shona for songs, stories and fingerplays in a short 30 minute program. Social and play time follows and you’re welcome to stay until noon — then Miss Shona needs to go to lunch!

Preschool Story Hour is for 3 to 5 year olds and meets Wednesdays at 10 or 11:15 from September to May. Parents must register children each week by calling 895-4102. We’ll read a story or two, sing songs, move around to get the wiggles out and create a craft. A small healthy snack and sip follows – donations are welcome — check with Miss Shona for ideas. Story Hour sessions are free and the arts and crafts materials are provided by the wonderful volunteers of the non profit Delta Library Association.

Watch for the Battle of the Books display to go up every summer, and get a head start on next year’s contest -you could be on the winning Husky Pup Team this year!

Summer Reading Program: As soon as the school year ends, that means it’s time to sign up for fun with our annual Summer Reading Program for 1 – 6th grade. Sessions last six weeks and readers meet once a week for book talks, crafts, games and activities. Watch the Delta Wind or listen to KDHS 95.5 for news about Summer Readers each year.