Delta Junction Fire Department

The City of Delta Junction and the surrounding areas are served by two volunteer fire departments and an ambulance service. The City fire department volunteers include several cadet ‘apprentice’ firefighters.
Rural Deltana Volunteer Fire Department volunteers have two stations, one in the Clearwater area and one in Big Delta.
The local fire departments have mutual aid agreements with Fort Greely, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company at Pump Station 9, and the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry in Delta.
Delta Medical Transport works closely with personnel at local medical clinics.
The City provides around-the-clock dispatch. A radio tone alert summons firefighters or EMT as needed.
Address: Delta Junction, AK 99737
Phone:(907) 895-4356
Emergency: Dial 911
Medical Services

Always dial 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency.
Delta Medical Transport is located at the Fire Hall
1325 Delta Avenue
Phone: (907)895-4356
The City of Delta Junction began contracting ambulance services in 2013 after relying on volunteer EMTs for over 40 years. Delta Medical Transport paramedics provide Advanced Life Support ambulance transports in Delta Junction and its surrounding area 24 hours a day, seven days a week as far east as Dry Creek on the Alaska Highway, south to Black Rapids on the Richardson Highway, and north to Banner Creek. All transported patients are taken to Fairbanks Memorial Hospital or Bassett Army Hospital.
Family Medical Center is located at 2360 Service Street, off the Richardson Highway.
Phone: (907)895-5100
Interior Alaska Medical Clinic is located at 2730 Alaska Highway.
Phone: (907)895-6233

On February 1, 2022, the City Council for the City of Delta Junction agreed to increase financial support to Delta Medical Transport through an existing contract to provide ambulance and emergency medical services to the local community and its surrounding area.
Pictured: Mayor JW Musgrove, Delta Medical Transport owner Tony White, and City Administrator Mary Leith
Alaska State Troopers

The Alaska State Troopers, under the Alaska Department of Public Safety, provide the only law enforcement in the Delta area. The Delta post includes four State Troopers and one Fish & Wildlife Protection Trooper.
Most routine cases are handled by the District Court in Delta Junction, where visiting judges from Fairbanks share the bench with the local magistrate. The more serious crimes are referred to the Superior Court in Fairbanks.

1420 Alaska Hwy
Delta Junction, AK 99737
(907) 895-4800